Monday, February 26, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018, 19:02
Cynthia wonders if I hit a new roommate with my quadcane
There was an altercation. He went at me first with a cane like picker upper. I put up my quadcane to defend my self
There was an altercation. He went at me first with a cane like picker upper. I put up my quadcane to defend my self
As he contined poking at me I yelled for staff and keeping myself from being stabbed. He did not want to stop and
eventually knocked his wheelchaur over and himself onto the floor. I dpnt know what they did with him but sent me
to MGH for two days On returning they moved me to the fifth floor, Room 512A. My AC is still in Room 403.
Hotter than hell here. Cant turn the heat off. Got back from MGH early yesterday evening. Had a scary last few
minutesminutes at MGH AS A LARGE (numbers and weight) came into my area. One carrying something that lookedlike a sword handle or rifle barrel. Some of yhe staff got a bit freaked out. Eventially a couple of psychiatristsshowed up to interview them. The conversation I overheard indicated they see themselves as voluntary firstresponders if people show up and start shooting.
What could possibly go wrong. I was a bit surprised to see that one of the group bore a resemblance to your
VT beau. I've just finished dinner. Sleep tight, Don't let the bedbugs bite OR your paranoid fantasies keep you
awake tonight.
Here's a new set of videos I thought you might enjoy:,video
I walked two laps of the hallway earlier today. Going for a couple more in 2 minutes.
19:26 Did four laps.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 19:34
My doctor showed up unexpectedly today. We discussed my recent decision to stop all medications.
She is aware of the Consumer Reports article that prompted my decision:
We agreed on a couple of other small changes to my meds and that I would continue with the low dose blood pressure meds.
She is aware of the Consumer Reports article that prompted my decision:
We agreed on a couple of other small changes to my meds and that I would continue with the low dose blood pressure meds.
Monday, February 19, 2018
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 2018, 18:45
around 3pm from Talissa, to check on my mood. Not bad, as I'd just returned from my one-hour a week with Bob who takes me outside.Shortly after I have a BM that resembles the middle third of a baseball bat. Relief from my nearly constant constipation.
IF YOU ARE READING THIS AND HAVE TIME to take me outside for an hour a week please
email me at
More items to add to my dating ad, including the original list:
1) convicted felon
2) unwed father
3) ex-communicated Mormon
4) college dropout
5) wannabe physicist
6) Marathon runner
7) computer geek
8) photographer/videographer
9) painter
10) writer
11) performance artist
12) disabled13) former MIT employee
14) former NASA employee
15) irrationally selfconfident
16) non-smoker
17) I have been known to order a Toasted Almond, even two, at a restaurant
18) dog rescuer
19) sense of humor
20) Favorite books: The Body Has A Head; Starmaker
Seeking female companionship for visits, phone, email.
If you know someone who is looking for any piece of that or all of it,
pass this along to them.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Saturday, February 17, 2018. 16:40
Some notes sent to DM, And old friend who remains young.
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