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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

6:00 50 squats in the bathroom. Attempted BM. Nothing.

Put om sound deadening headphones last night to remove the screamer.

Also playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata OR music calms the savage beast, perhaps a bit too loud
causing a staff member to pull the plug, turning it off. So the headphones were left with the easier job of drowning out just the screamer.  Eventually, he exhausted himself. Finally THE JOY OF SLEEP.
Back to bed till breakfast at 8.

Watched the latest episode of 60 minutes last night.

Great piece about a 72-year-old nature photographer who has 
been nearly everywhere to photograph some amazing animal situations.
Well worth the time.

6:42 FEMALE Cardinal outside my window.

10:04 Starting on my last apple.

10:18 Blood Pressure time, also one-third into my Apple a Day.



I'm hearing what sounds like a child screaming in pain again.

 Discussion with CNA about when to take my Tuesday shower. I prefer late afternoon after possible Physical therapy.

Just got a new ID bracelet. Head nurse says my MT AUBURN HOSPITAL VISIT IS ON  for tomorrow.

Wasted ambulance trip last time.  I hope I am not being charged for it.  Could be   $500-700.

Noon, approximately, a beautiful young woman,  Stephanie Cox, from New England Geratrics ( comes to my room to interview me. This immediately makes me
feel like a GEEZER rather than the 19-25 year old that I imagine myself to be and feel like.

If you are a regular reader of this blog You are welcome to come visit me as I recover from a stroke.

You are also welcome to buy me things from time to time, from Amazon.

At the moment I could use about a dozen Forever stamps.They can be mailed to me. Don't everyone
send me a dozen stamps. Email if you would like to make that gift in exchange
for reading this scintillating blog.

18:19 Just finished supper. Is it my imagination or is fernando experimenting with the menu? I will have to ask.

A tickle of a time charring with IO this evening.

Both roommates seem to be asleep.

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