Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Tuesday,N0vember 28, 17:55
The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself https://www.amazon.com/Big-Picture-Origins-Meaning-Universe/dp/0525954821/ref=sm_n_ma_dka_US_pr_ran_2_1?adId=0525954821&creativeASIN=0525954821&linkId=17e771053150a3eaf23cb33b3d4eebac&tag=brde-20&linkCode=w43&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fdelong.typepad.com%2F&slotNum=0&imprToken=nILxduoMi747-x.ykWCcng&adType=smart&adMode=manual&adFormat=grid&impressionTimestamp=1511909253046
Finally a reasonable BM today, easy, no pain. felt normal.
Truthfinder site tells me Cynthia has $970,000 in assets in Burlington. Getting to be time to reconcile our old debts.
18:01 and time to try some walking.
18:15 five laps of the short hallway. Managed without feeling weak after 4 laps.
Still thinking about Nobel Prizes and imagining winning one because of my 19 year old me's conversation with two post grads during our conversation in September 1964 in the MIT
Laboratory for Nuclear Science building. Long ago. A fantasy.
18:15 five laps of the short hallway. Managed without feeling weak after 4 laps.
Still thinking about Nobel Prizes and imagining winning one because of my 19 year old me's conversation with two post grads during our conversation in September 1964 in the MIT
Laboratory for Nuclear Science building. Long ago. A fantasy.
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