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Friday, October 23, 2009

DID YOU NOTICE THIS? April 12, 2003

The US has quietly met one of Osama bin Laden's main demands: the withdrawl of US troops from Saudi Arabia...

File this under "isn't that interesting." The US media isn't really saying much about this, and there's not much hoopla from DC about it either, but the US has quietly met one of Osama bin Laden's primary demands and is withdrawing the troops from Saudi Arabia, where they've been stationed since the first Persian Gulf war.

Now it could be that troops just aren't needed in Saudi Arabia anymore now that Iraq is no longer a "threat". Or it could be that's just the excuse that's being used. There are lots of possibile reasons for the withdrawl at present and I don't want to speculate too far about it...

...other than to say, "isn't that interesting?"

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